Scuba Diving Links & Resources


Although there sure seems to be a high number of scuba "know-it-alls" sometimes, smart divers are always looking to gain more knowledge. My goal here is to provide a serious wealth of diving information from many top, reputable, and accurate sources. With this part of the website, I'm seeking to curate the best stuff from the web, and avoid all the nonsense.

While the following pages contain a variety of links and resources to more info about scuba-related topics, please keep in mind that all these pages are on other websites, so sometimes sites go down, pages are taken down, links change or are removed. And of course, lots of information changes as more people get involved with scuba diving, more research is done, and situations change. Be flexible, be fluid... like water.

Definitely let me know if you find any bad info, broken links, or want to suggest a new link. Thanks!